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- Archaeometry / Scientific Dating1
- Ceramics and Pottery Studies1
- Food and Drink / Diet[remove]1
- Late Antiquity and Byzantium[remove]1
- Mediterranean1
- Migration Period, Early Medieval and Medieval[remove]1
- Roman1
- Trade / Exchange / Travel / Economy[remove]1
- Bonifay, Michel1
- Tréglia, Jean-Christophe[remove]1
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Your search has returned 1 book from BAR Digital Collection
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Late Antiquity and Byzantium
Remove constraint Subject: Late Antiquity and Byzantium
Food and Drink / Diet
Remove constraint Subject: Food and Drink / Diet
Migration Period, Early Medieval and Medieval
Remove constraint Subject: Migration Period, Early Medieval and Medieval
Trade / Exchange / Travel / Economy
Remove constraint Subject: Trade / Exchange / Travel / Economy
Tréglia, Jean-Christophe
Remove constraint Author: Tréglia, Jean-Christophe
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