• Figure 5.1. Page 3 of the “Briefing on the LRAD by New York City Police Department: Special Operations Division/Disorder Control Unit” (January 2010) This is a chart from the “Briefing on the LRAD by New York City Police Department: Special Operations Division/Disorder Control Unit.” The heading reads: “Some examples of sound levels for comparison, in decibels (dB).” The items are: Whisper, 30 dB; Normal speech, 60 dB; Telephone Dial Tone, 80 dB; Vacuum Cleaner, 85 dB; Sustained exposure may cause hearing loss, 90–95 dB; Subway at 200 feet, 95 dB; Motorcycle, 105 dB; Power Saw, 110 dB; Sandblasting, 115 dB; Pain may begin, 120–125 dB; Shot gun, 120 dB; Short term exposure can cause permanent damage, 140 dB; LRAD sustained at maximum power/audio, 146 dB; Ear drum breaks, 160 dB.


From Just Vibrations: The Purpose of Sounding Good by William Cheng

  • Music
  • Disability Studies
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