• Colors separated by a prism (Newton's and Castel's versions). Louis Bertrand Castel contrasted his colors and his color system to that of Newton. Castel also established a connection between each of his 12 prismatic colors and the 12 tones of the musical scale, an important step, he believed, in the construction of his color harpsichord. Source: From Louis-Bertrand Castel, L'Optique des couleurs (Paris, 1740), after page 414.

Louis Bertrand Castel contrasted his colors and his color system to that of Newton. Castel also established a connection between each of his 12 prismatic colors and the 12 tones of the musical scale, an important step, he believed, in the construction of his color harpsichord. Source: From Louis-Bertrand Castel, L'Optique des couleurs (Paris, 1740), after page 414.

From The creation of color in eighteenth-century Europe by Sarah Lowengard

  • European: 1400-1800
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