• Ex-voto to Our Lady of Sorrows and to San Sebastian On December 2, 1761, Doña Luisana Grande Acxotlan of Cholula was sick in bed with smallpox, very dangerously so. With great devotion, she called upon Nuesta Señora de los Dolares and on San Sebastián along with the holy San Miguelito, and later she was cured of the disease, and for these marvels and for giving her health and life, she had this painted in thanks.

On December 2, 1761, Doña Luisana Grande Acxotlan of Cholula was sick in bed with smallpox, very dangerously so. With great devotion, she called upon Nuesta Señora de los Dolares and on San Sebastián along with the holy San Miguelito, and later she was cured of the disease, and for these marvels and for giving her health and life, she had this painted in thanks.

From Pestilence and headcolds: encountering illness in colonial Mexico by Sherry Fields

  • Latin American
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