• Figure 1 "Garment Sweatshop" (from UNITE Archives, Kheel Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-3901 [ca. 1910]). This photograph captures the various kinds of gendered and industrial disorder that so worried factory inspectors on the eve of the great strikes that would transform the industry. The factory embodies all the problems that the model American shop ideally solved: production is irrational with clothing and cloth spread haphazardly around this converted domestic space and men and women labor together in close quarters.

"Garment Sweatshop" (from UNITE Archives, Kheel Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-3901 [ca. 1910]). This photograph captures the various kinds of gendered and industrial disorder that so worried factory inspectors on the eve of the great strikes that would transform the industry. The factory embodies all the problems that the model American shop ideally solved: production is irrational with clothing and cloth spread haphazardly around this converted domestic space and men and women labor together in close quarters.

From Sweated work, weak bodies: anti-sweatshop campaigns and languages of labor by Daniel E. Bender

  • American: General & Multiperiod
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