Dinocrates presenting the model of a city to Alexander the Great, drawn by Amelia Amelia after Francesco di Giorgio Martini (1492–1502), Trattati di architettura ingegneria e arte militare (Il Polifilo, 1967).
  • Fig. 2.69. Dinocrates presenting the model of a city to Alexander the Great, drawn by Amelia Amelia after Francesco di Giorgio Martini (1492–1502), Trattati di architettura ingegneria e arte militare (Il Polifilo, 1967).

Dinocrates presenting the model of a city to Alexander the Great, drawn by Amelia Amelia after Francesco di Giorgio Martini (1492–1502), Trattati di architettura ingegneria e arte militare (Il Polifilo, 1967).

From Architecture and memory: the Renaissance studioli of Federico de Montefeltro by Robert Kirkbride

  • Architectural History
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