• When an American soldier arrived at a German prison camp, the American Red Cross sent the POW this parcel. It included a wide range of items that would prove very useful in captivity and the Red Cross assumed that the prisoner lost all of his kit when he was captured. The first parcel included a shirt, soci, underwear, towels, shaving kit, brush, tooth brush, cigarettes, safety pins, sewing kit, soap, hard bread, coffee, sugar, and cans of corned beef, condensed milk, salmon, corn, tomatoes, beans, and pork and beans. Source: Dennett, Prisoners of the Great War, 1919, 28A.

Source: Dennett, Prisoners of the Great War, 1919, 28A.

From Pursuit of an "unparalleled opportunity": American YMCA and prisoner of war diplomacy among the Central Power nations during World War I, 1914-1923 by Kenneth Steuer

  • American: 1900-present
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