• Pfannenschmid's variation on the color triangles of Mayer and Lambert. In keeping with his occupational interests, Pfannnenschmid was explicit about the use of the color triangle as an artist's tool. He also sold the colors necessary to complete his model and make it useful. One could mix the required shades from a set of basic colors or purchase all 64 colors already prepared for application. Source: From August Pfannenschmidt, Essai sur la manière de mélanger et composer toutes les couleurs . . . (Lausanne, 1788).

In keeping with his occupational interests, Pfannnenschmid was explicit about the use of the color triangle as an artist's tool. He also sold the colors necessary to complete his model and make it useful. One could mix the required shades from a set of basic colors or purchase all 64 colors already prepared for application. Source: From August Pfannenschmidt, Essai sur la manière de mélanger et composer toutes les couleurs . . . (Lausanne, 1788).

From The creation of color in eighteenth-century Europe by Sarah Lowengard

  • European: 1400-1800
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