• After the YMCA building inauguration and Christmas service at Purgstall, the Austrian officers and visitors stop for a photograph. The visitors included Austrian Baron von Haitin, the Swedish minister to Austria-Hungary; His Excellency Berks-Fries, Charge d'Affairs; Leche; Pastor Neander (a YMCA secretary); and Edgar MacNaughten, the Senior WPA Secretary for Austria-Hungary. Russian prisoners look on the scene from the background. Source: YMCA Photo Collection A, Kautz Family YMCA Archives, Photo 6H Minneapolis, MN.

Source: YMCA Photo Collection A, Kautz Family YMCA Archives, Photo 6H Minneapolis, MN.

From Pursuit of an "unparalleled opportunity": American YMCA and prisoner of war diplomacy among the Central Power nations during World War I, 1914-1923 by Kenneth Steuer

  • American: 1900-present
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