Gabii Area B 3D Model

From A Mid-Republican House From Gabii by

Rachel Opitz, Marcello Mogetta, and Nicola Terrenato (Editors)

Written and crafted with Tyler Duane Johnson, Antonio F. Ferrandes, Laura Banducci, Francesca Alhaique, Laura Motta, Shannon Ness, Jason Farr, Samantha Lash, and Matthew Naglak

  • his interactive section of the publication includes 3D models, descriptions, and links to the online database, and complements the narrative text. Interaction with this content is essential to engaging with our interpretation of the Gabii site. Readers are encouraged both to follow the narrative laid out in the text through the model and data, and to explore the 3D content and database freely.
  • Classical Studies
  • Archaeology
  • 2016
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