• Figure 11 "Taking Prisoners into the Jefferson Market Prison" (from UNITE Archives, Kheel Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-3901). Strikers, like these, who were arrested on the picketlines during the 1909 strike were taken for summary judgment to the nearby Jefferson Market prison. Employers often drew on public concerns about the sexual dangers of sweated work by hiring prostitutes as strikebreakers and by comparing arrested strikers to prostitutes.

"Taking Prisoners into the Jefferson Market Prison" (from UNITE Archives, Kheel Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-3901). Strikers, like these, who were arrested on the picketlines during the 1909 strike were taken for summary judgment to the nearby Jefferson Market prison. Employers often drew on public concerns about the sexual dangers of sweated work by hiring prostitutes as strikebreakers and by comparing arrested strikers to prostitutes.

From Sweated work, weak bodies: anti-sweatshop campaigns and languages of labor by Daniel E. Bender

  • American: General & Multiperiod
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