• Figure 6 "Shop on East Fourth Street" (from A General Survey of the Sanitary Conditions of the Shops in the Cloak Industry [New York: Joint Board of Sanitary Control, 1911], 9; image from the collection of the Tamiment-Wagner Labor Archives, New York University). Mention of the tenement garment shop's location in the photograph's original caption seems sufficient to explain the danger, mess, and illegitimacy of the shops.

"Shop on East Fourth Street" (from A General Survey of the Sanitary Conditions of the Shops in the Cloak Industry [New York: Joint Board of Sanitary Control, 1911], 9; image from the collection of the Tamiment-Wagner Labor Archives, New York University). Mention of the tenement garment shop's location in the photograph's original caption seems sufficient to explain the danger, mess, and illegitimacy of the shops.

From Sweated work, weak bodies: anti-sweatshop campaigns and languages of labor by Daniel E. Bender

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