• Figure 7. Reframing and reclaiming Egyptian antiquity: Arabic magazine cover, 1899. Ancient Egypt serves here as an inspiration for a modern Egyptian renaissance. Abbas II presides, with reformist scholar-officials (clockwise) Ali Mubarak, Rifaa al-Tahtawi, Abdallah Fikri, and Mahmud al-Falaki framing the scene. In Bertrand Millet, Samir, Mickey, Sindbad, et les autres: Histoire de la presse enfantine en Égypte, Dossiers du CEDEJ 1-1987 (Cairo, 1987), 31.

Reframing and reclaiming Egyptian antiquity: Arabic magazine cover, 1899. Ancient Egypt serves here as an inspiration for a modern Egyptian renaissance. Abbas II presides, with reformist scholar-officials (clockwise) Ali Mubarak, Rifaa al-Tahtawi, Abdallah Fikri, and Mahmud al-Falaki framing the scene. In Bertrand Millet, Samir, Mickey, Sindbad, et les autres: Histoire de la presse enfantine en Égypte, Dossiers du CEDEJ 1-1987 (Cairo, 1987), 31.

From Whose pharaohs?: archaeology, museums, and Egyptian national identity from Napoleon to World War I by Donald Malcolm Reid

  • Middle Eastern: 632-1918
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