• Fig. 2.10. Directly beneath “FEDERICVS” we find Plato and Aristotle placed side-by-side. A statistical breakdown of these figures yields the following: two are from the Old Testament, six are ancient Greeks, one is Egyptian, and four are Roman. Fifteen of the twenty-eight are Christian (including four of Federico’s contemporaries), and twelve of these fifteen are in the bottom tier. Drawn by author and Kazushige Yoshitake.

Directly beneath “FEDERICVS” we find Plato and Aristotle placed side-by-side. A statistical breakdown of these figures yields the following: two are from the Old Testament, six are ancient Greeks, one is Egyptian, and four are Roman. Fifteen of the twenty-eight are Christian (including four of Federico’s contemporaries), and twelve of these fifteen are in the bottom tier. Drawn by author and Kazushige Yoshitake.

From Architecture and memory: the Renaissance studioli of Federico de Montefeltro by Robert Kirkbride

  • Architectural History
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