• Figure 15. In this political cartoon, published by the news magazine Bohemia on June 6, 1937, a seemingly bored President Laredo Brú stands by a balcony at the Presidential Palace tapping his fingers, while two men converse by his desk. The first man points to a whistle lying on the desk and asks the other: “Is that the whistle Laredo uses (when he wants something).” The second man responds: “No sir, he doesn't blow any whistles.”

In this political cartoon, published by the news magazine Bohemia on June 6, 1937, a seemingly bored President Laredo Brú stands by a balcony at the Presidential Palace tapping his fingers, while two men converse by his desk. The first man points to a whistle lying on the desk and asks the other: “Is that the whistle Laredo uses (when he wants something).” The second man responds: “No sir, he doesn't blow any whistles.”

From Fulgencio Batista: from revolutionary to strongman by Frank Argote-Freyre

  • Latin American
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