• Cover of the Bibliotheque des prisonniers de guerre, published by the World's Alliance of YMCA's. This book listed the contents of the different series of circulating libraries available to prisoners of war working on Arbeitskommandos, far from prison camp libraries. The books which composed these libraries were published before the war and focused on history, literature, natural science, and vocational works. Source: World's Alliance of YMCA's, Bibliotheque des prisonniers de guerre, ca. 1916.

Source: World's Alliance of YMCA's, Bibliotheque des prisonniers de guerre, ca. 1916.

From Pursuit of an "unparalleled opportunity": American YMCA and prisoner of war diplomacy among the Central Power nations during World War I, 1914-1923 by Kenneth Steuer

  • American: 1900-present
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