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Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Upper Mantaro and Tarma Drainages, Junín, Peru: The Tarama-Chinchaycocha Region, Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2
Jeffrey R. Parsons, Charles M. Hastings, Ramiro Matos M.
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An archaeological study of ancient settlement patterns in Peru's rugged and diverse central highlands.
Volume 1, Part 1
Contents - Part I
Chapter 1: The Development of Our Research Design
Conceptual and Developmental Background
The Definition of Substantive Issues
Definition of the Survey Area
The Project in Retrospect
Chapter 2: Geography and Environment
The Major Zones
Wild Flora and Fauna
Modern Land Use and Settlement Pattern in our Survey Area
Overall Summary and Conclusions
Chapter 3: The Study Area in Ethnohistoric Perspective
Spanish Invasion
Ethnic Tarama and Chinchaycocha
Ethnic Population Size
Ethnic Territories
Ethnicity in the Ceja de Montaña
Ethnic Boundaries
Ethnic Ritual and Mythology
Chapter 4: Modeling Central Andean Agriculture and Herding
A Synopsis of Prehispanic Cultural Development
The Cultural Ecology of Historic-Period Central Andean Herders and Cultivators
Overall Summary and Conclusions
The Expectable Archaeological Correlates of Andean Agriculture and Pastoralism
Chapter 5: Methodology
The Tactics of Field Survey
Laboratory Procedures
Chapter 6: What Happened to the Formative?
Methodological Considerations
Ecological and Demographic Considerations
Puna-Kichwa-Montaña Interaction
Chapter 7: The Concentric Ring Sites: A Special Problem
Dating the Concentric Ring Sites
The Function of Concentric Ring Sites during the EIP/MH
The Regional Configuration of the Concentric Ring Sites
Chapter 8: Post-Formative Occupation: Patterns and Trends
Long-Term Population Trends
The Late Intermediate Period
The Early Intermediate Period/Middle Horizon
The Late Horizon
The Distribution of Middle Horizon Wari Tradewares
The Distribution of LIP Wanka Tradewares
Isolated Furrowed Fields and Camelid Corrals in the Junín Puna
The Impact of Climatic Change
Overall Summary
Chapter 9. The Definition of Public Architecture
Inside-Settlement Public Architecture
Outside Wall-Ditch Complexes: Defense or Social Border?
Isolated Public Architecture: Tombs, Storage Facilities, and Shrines
Overall Summary
Chapter 10: The Archaeological Manifestations of Duality
The Individual Settlement Level
The Community and Multi-Community Levels
Overall Summary
Chapter 11: Summary and Conclusions
General Trends within in Tarama-Chinchaycocha Region
The Archaeological Definition of Site, Settlement, Community, Center, and Polity
Andean Chiefdom Development and State Origins
The Lima and Wari States during the Early Intermediate Period and the Middle Horizon
The Cuzco State and the Inka Empire during the Late Intermediate Period and Late Horizon
Key Problems for Future Archaeological Research in the Tarama-Chinchaycocha Region
Volume 1, Part 2
Contents - Part II
Appendix A: Site Descriptions
The Individual Sites
Appendix B: Ceramic Chronology
The Early Intermediate Period/Middle Horizon
The Middle Horizon
The Late Intermediate Period
The Late Horizon
Citable Link
Published: 2000
Publisher: University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
- 978-0-915703-49-4 (paper)
- 978-1-951519-92-6 (ebook)