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Sensual relations: engaging the senses in culture and social theory
David Howes
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FORETASTE (page xi)
PART 1. Making Sense in Anthropology
CHAPTER 1. Taking Leave of Our Senses A Survey of the Senses and Critique of the Textual Revolution in Ethnographic Theory (page 3)
CHAPTER 2. Coming to Our Senses The Sensual Turn in Anthropological Understanding (page 29)
PART 2. Melanesian Sensory Formations
CHAPTER 3. On the Pleasures of Fasting, Appearing, and Being Heard in the Massim World (page 61)
CHAPTER 4. On Being in Good Taste Gustatory Cannibalism and Exchange Psychology (page 95)
CHAPTER 5. The Visible and the Invisible in a Middle Sepik Society (page 124)
CHAPTER 6. Comparison of Massim and Middle Sepik Ways of Sensing the World (page 160)
PART 3. Libidinal and Political Economies of the Senses
CHAPTER 7. Oedipus In/Out of the Trobriands A Sensuous Critique of Freudian Teory (page 175)
CHAPTER 8. The Material Body of the Commodity Sensing Marx (page 204)
NOTES (page 235)
REFERENCES (page 249)
INDEX (page 273)
Journal Abbreviation | Label | URL |
CS | 35.1 (Jan. 2006): 83-84 | |
JRAI | 11.1 (Mar. 2005): 164 | |
CA | 46.4 (August/October 2005): 688-689 | |
AANTH | 107.2 (Jun. 2005): 293-294 | |
JAF | 120.475 (Winter 2007): 121-123 | |
Citable Link
Published: c2003
Publisher: University of Michigan Press
- 9780472098460 (hardcover)
- 9780472026227 (ebook)
- 9780472068463 (paper)