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Papers from the EAA Third Annual Meeting at Ravenna 1997: Volume II: Classical and Medieval
Mark Pearce, Maurizio Tosi, Andrea Augenti, Hugo Blake, Paolo Carafa, Cristina Tonghini and Guido Vannini
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Devoted to Classical and Medieval archaeology, this volume is a collection of 42 papers (20 in English, 22 in Italian) which deal with following topics: Origin and development of the 'Domus' and the 'Villa' in mid Tyrrhenian Italy; Continuity and discontinuity from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages in Europe and across the Mediterranean Basin; Islamic impact and local response in southern Europe.
Front Cover
Title Page
Reflections on a Set of Representation: Archaic Greek Kouros Through the Greek Conception of the World
Warfare in Early Rome
Floralia. Carattere ed evoluzione di un rituale romano arcaico
Il ruolo di Pantelleria nelle rotte del Mediterraneo nell'antichita
L'Equipaggiamento del soldato imperiale nella produzione scultorea romana: Quale grado di attendibilita?
Archaeological Research of the Historical Sites in the Urals
Antiquities and Nationalism in Cyberspace
Flour Power: Approaches in Contextualizing Industrial Archaeology in Britain
Origin and Development of the "Domus" and the "Villa" in Mid Tyrrhenian Italy
Modi di arbitare strutture ideologiche nelle residenze etrusche e romane delle classi dirigenti arcaiche e tardo-arcaiche
Le domus tardo arcaiche della Sacra via e l'origine della casa italica ad atrio
La villa dell'Auditorium
Caratteri degli insediamenti rurali nell'Ager Romantus tra VI e III secolo A.C.
Tipologie abitative nel mondo indigeno della Basilicata tra IV e III sec A.C.
Atriis Graeci quia non utuntur: Ambienti di tradizione ellenistica nel settore dell'atrio nelle casr pompeiane d'Eta sannica
La nascita della casa ad atrio in un centro italico medico tirrenico: Il caso di Pompei
Continuity and Discontinuity from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages in Europe and Across the Mediterranean Basin
Taurik Chersonesus in the VIIth-IXth Century: The Problem of the Continuity and Discontinuity
The Question of Continuity in Aquincum, the Capital of Pannonia Inferior
Urban Archaeology as the Basis for the Conservation and Sustainable Planning of Bergama (Pergamon): Reflections on the Spatial Continuities and Discontinuities of a Multi-Layered Multi-Cultural Town
A Late Antique Monument in the Early Middle Ages: The Auerlianic Walls of Roles
Considerazioni sulla citta di Chiusi in Eta tardoantica
Basiliche paleocristiane e cattedrali romaniche in Puglia
Sectilia parietali nelle aree di cultura bizantina: Continuita a recupero dell'antico del VI secolo
State Formation and Social Structures: An Archaeological Approach to Iberia During the Visgothic Period
Continuity, Discontinuity, and Change in Late Roman Slovenia
Insediamento e risorse ambientali: Continuita e mutamento tra tardo antico e medioevo nell'area alpina occidentale
La transizione tra tardo-antico ed altomedioevo nella Calabria centro-meridionale sulla base dei dati archeologici
I graffitti della Chiesa di S. Eusebio, Ronciglione
Continuity and Discontinuity in Viking Power on the North-Norwegian Coast
Islamic Impact and Local Response in Southern Europe
The Impact of Islamic Culture in Southern Europe: An Archaeological View
Adesioni atmosfere islamiche in costiera amalfitana nei secoli XII-XVI
Ceramica islamica a Salerno: Importazioni ed imitazione tra i secoli XI e XIII
Islam and the Terra d'Otranto: Some Archaeological Evidence
Qualche considerazione su materiali medievali d'ambito culturale "islamico" provenienti da scavi archeologici calabresi
L'archeologia islamica in Sicilia: Nuovi dati e possibili strategie
Pisa and the Islamic World. Import of Ceramic Wares and Transfer of Technical Know-How
Islamic Glass and Italy, 1200-1500
Trading Shapes: Mamulk Vessels Exported to Europe
The Formation Process of the Isamic Town into the Iberian Peninsula
Agua y desarrollo urbano en madinat Balansiya (Valencia). La excavacion de un molino hidraulico de epoca califal
Qualiche osservazione conclusiva
Index of Authors
Citable Link
Published: 1998
Publisher: BAR Publishing
- 9781407350349 (ebook)
- 9780860548959 (paperback)
BAR Number: S718
- Islam
- Trade / Exchange / Travel / Economy
- British Isles
- Scandinavia
- Conflict / Military / Fortifications
- Greece, Aegean, Crete and Black Sea
- Late Antiquity and Byzantium
- Museum Studies / Conservation / Heritage / Education
- Mediterranean
- Classical and Hellenistic
- Migration Period, Early Medieval and Medieval
- Central and Eastern Europe
- Levant / Near East
- Identity / Gender / Childhood / Ethnicity / Romanization
- Ritual / Religion / Temples
- Western Europe and Britain
- Art / Sculpture / Gems / Seals
- Architecture / Domestic and Urban Buildings and Space / Urbanism
- Roman