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The Chora of Metaponto 8, Parts i and ii: The factory and kiln deposit at Pantanello
Joseph Coleman Carter and Norma Ortíz Galindo
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This book presents the final report on the excavation and reconstruction of the buildings and kilns at Pantanello. It is accompanied by an extensive analysis and catalog of the finds from the site, including fine grey ware and banded ware, cooking ware, coarse wares, and amphorae of the last two centuries of the Roman Republic and first century of the Imperial period in southern Italy. It is the fullest study yet published of a number of these classes, and also provides evidence for a metalworking industry near the site. Overall, the book contributes to a better understanding of the archaeology of pottery and metallurgical production in Italy, and is a valuable resource on the material culture of Greek southern Italy during the Roman period.
This is part of a two-part set: ISBN 9781407360997 (Part i); ISBN 9781407361000 (Part ii); ISBN 9781407360898 (Set of both parts).
Front cover
Title page
Copyright page
Of Related Interest
1 Introduction
Part 1: Excavations
2 The Factory: A Pottery Workshop at
3 The Kilns
4 Excavation and Stratigraphy of the Hilltop
5 The Burials on the Hilltop
6 The Kiln Deposit: A Late Republican Clay Pit and Ceramic Deposit
Part 2: Archaeological Materials
7 Introduction
8 Black-gloss Fine Wares
9 Grey Wares
10 Red Ware
11 Banded Wares
12 Fine Plain Ware
13 Coarse Plain Wares
14 Mortaria
15 Residual Lauteria
16 Unguentaria and Balsamaria
17 Residual Miniatures
18 Cooking Wares
19 Internally Red-slipped Cooking Wares
20 Transport Amphorae
21 Opus Doliare
22 Thymiateria
23 Recycling and Ceramic Modification at Roman Pantanello
24 Lamps
25 Figured Terracottas
26 Metal Objects from Late Republican and Imperial Roman Contexts
27 Lithics
28 Marine Shells from the Roman Period at Pantanello
29 Graffiti
30 Metalworking
31 Millstones from the Roman Tile Factory at Pantanello
32 Olive Grinding Stones (Mola olearia)
Citable Link
Published: 2023
Publisher: BAR Publishing
- 9781407360898 (paper)
- 9781407360904 (ebook)
BAR Number: S3146