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La domus del Mitreo a Tarquinia: Ricerche archeologiche dell’Università di Verona. Volume I
A cura di Attilio Mastrocinque, Fiammetta Soriano e Chiara Maria Marchetti
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La domus del Mitreo a Tarquinia presenta i risultati della ricerca archeologica a Tarquinia dal 2016 al 2018. Lo scavo di un grande complesso ha fornito documentazione della Tarquinia romana tra il III secolo a.C. e la tarda antichità. Chiodi votivi inscritti in latino e una fontana con un serbatoio d'acqua nascosto nelle sue pareti sono caratteristiche originali di questo edificio, da cui è venuta alla luce anche una statua di Mitra. I risultati mostrano due fasi principali: una nel II secolo a.C. e un'altra in età augustea. Anche le fasi finali sono importanti: nel IV secolo si verificò un crollo e l'area fu rialzata e livellata quasi ovunque e infine abbandonata nel VII secolo. La domus del Mitreo a Tarquiniapresents the results of archaeological research in Tarquinia from 2016 to 2018. The excavation of a large complex provided us with rich documentation of Roman Tarquinia between the 3rd century BCE and Late Antiquity. Votive nails inscribed in Latin and a fountain with a water reservoir concealed in its walls are original features of this building, from which a statue of Mithras also came to light. The results show two main phases: one in the 2nd century BCE and another in the Augustan Age. The final phases are also important: in the 4th century a collapse occurred and the area was raised and flattened almost everywhere and finally abandoned in the 7th century.
Front Cover
Of Related Interest
1: “Domus del Mitreo” of Tarquinia. data from the 2016–18 Excavation Campaigns
1. Stratigraphy
1.1 Period I – The Earliest Phase (6th–5th Century BCE) (fig. 3)
1.2 Period II – The Construction of the Early Rooms? (4th–3rd Century BCE)
1.3 Period III – The Construction of the Domus (End of the 3rd Century BCE – Mid 1st Century BCE)
1.4 Period IV – Renovation and the Construction of New Rooms (end of the 1st Century BCE – 1st Century CE)
1.5 Period V – New Uses of Different Spaces (2th – 3th Century CE) (figs. 66–67).
1.6 Period VI – Defunctionalization of the Domus (Mid 4th – Early 7th Century CE)
2. Appendix
2.1 Period I (6th–5th Century BCE) (Table 1)
2.3 Period III (End of the 3rd – Mid 1st Century BCE) (Table 3)
2.4 Period IV (Late 1st Century BCE – 1st Century CE) (Table 4)
2.5 Period V (2nd – 3rd Century CE) (Table 5)
2.6 Period VI (Mid 4th – Early 7th Century CE) (Table 6)
2: L’edilizia abitativa privata nell’ager tarquiniense. Confronti ed ipotesi preliminari per un caso di studio: la domus del mitreo
1. Le domus dell’ager di Tarquinia: una breve analisi
2. Gli elementi di confronto con la domus del mitreo
2.1 Prime ipotesi interpretative alla luce dei confronti
3. Conclusioni
3: The Fountain
1. Description of the Fountain
2. Reconstruction of the Fountain (figs. 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15)
3. Some Puzzling Features of the Fountain
4. The Final Phase of the Fountain
4: I rivestimenti pavimentali di età romana dalla domus di Tarquinia. Considerazioni preliminari (campagne 2016–18)
1. Tipologie dei rivestimenti pavimentali e dei motivi decorativi (fig. 1)
1.1 Pavimenti in cementizio
1.2 Pavimenti in tessellato
1.3 Pavimenti a commessi laterizi
2. Catalogo dei pavimenti
2.1 Periodo III (fine III – metà I sec. a.C.)
2.2 Periodo IV (fine I a.C. - I sec. d.C.)
3. Conclusioni
5: Indagine preliminare della cisterna dell’ambiente H nella domus di Tarquinia
1. La cisterna: scoperta e condizioni di rinvenimento
2. Svolgimento dell’indagine e primo intervento di scavo
3. Rischi
3.1 Stabilità della struttura
3.2 Acqua e fanghi
3.3 Gas
4. Conclusioni
6: Ceramica comune da cucina e ceramica dipinta tarda con rivestimento rosso dalla cisterna dell’ambiente H della domus del Mitreo di Tarquinia
1. Le ceramiche dalla cisterna dell’ambiente H
1.1 La ceramica comune da cucina
1.2 La ceramica dipinta tarda con rivestimento rosso
7: Coarse Ware Production: a Preliminary Report on the Finds from 2016–2018 Campaigns at the Domus of the Mithraeum (Tarquinia)
1. Introduction
1.1 Aims
2. General Definitions
2.1 The Republican Periods (I-II-III)
2.2 The Early Imperial Period (IV)
2.3 The Mid-Imperial Period (V)
2.4 The Late Antique Period (VI)
3. Comment and Conclusions
8: La terra sigillata italica, ceramica corinzia decorata a rilievo, la sigillata e la comune africana: i dati degli scavi 2016-2017
1. La terra sigillata italica
1.1 Catalogo
1.2 Terra sigillata decorata a matrice (fig. 4)
1.3 Marchi di fabbrica (fig. 5)
2. La ceramica corinzia decorata a rilievo di età romana (fig. 6)
3. La Terra Sigillata Africana
3.1 Catalogo
3.2 Decorazioni
4. La ceramica da cucina africana dalla domus del Mitreo: i dati degli scavi 2016–2017
4.1 Catalogo
9: Studi preliminari sulle terrecotte architettoniche dalla cosiddetta domus del mitreo sulla Civita di Tarquinia (VT)
1. Catalogo
1.1 Età arcaica
1.2 Età medio e tardorepubblicana
1.3 I secolo a.C.– I secolo d.C.
2. Conclusioni
10: The Lamps
1. Introduction
2. Lamps in Context
2.1 Period III – Phase 2 (late 2nd – early 1st century BC)
2.2 Period IV – Phase 2 (second half of the 1st century AD)
2.3 Period V (2nd – 3rd century AD)
2.4 Period VI (mid 4th / early 5th – early 7th century AD)
2.5 Modern Layers and Surface Clearing
3. Typological Overview (fig. 3)
4. Black-glazed Lamps of “South Etruscan” Type
5. Republican Wheel-made Unslipped Lamps
6. Mould-made Republican Lamps
7. Volute Lamps
8. Loeschke 8 Lamps
8.1 Bailey O
8.2 Bailey P
8.3 Bailey Q
9. Bailey M – Vogelkopflampen
10. Bailey N – Firmalampen
10.1 Imperial Age Lamps
10.2 Late Antique lamps
11. Bailey R
13. Atlante X
14. Marks
15. Discus Scenes
15.1 Fortuna
15.2 Silenus
15.3 Gladiator
16. Other Discus Scenes with Human Figures
16.1 Raised hand
16.2 Dog
16.3 Bear
16.4 Lion (?)
16.5 Palm-branches
17. Conclusions
11: Stone Objects: Mortar, Pestles and Ointment Slabs
1. Introduction
2. Mortar and Pestles
2.1 Catalogue
3. Coticulae
3.1 Catalogue
4. Conclusions
12: A Small White Limestone Disk Inlaid with Coloured Stones
1. The limestone Disk
2. Archaeometric Analyses
13: Pesi romani dalla c.d. “domus del mitreo” di Tarquinia
1. Quadrussis (peso da 4 libre)
2. Bicessis (peso da 20 libre)
3. Centussis (peso da 100 libbre)
4. Peso dal valore imprecisato (100 libbre?)
5. Conclusioni
14: The Glass
1. Introduction
2. Glass in Context
2.1 Period III, Phase 1 (Late 3rd – Mid 2nd Century BC)
2.2 Period V (2nd – 3rd Century AD)
2.3 Period VI (Mid 4th / Early 5th – Early 7th Century AD)
3. Typological Overview
3.1 Core-Formed Glass
4 Cast Glass
4.1 Linear-Cut Bowls
4.2 Mosaic Glass
4.3 Cast Colourless Wares
4.4 Other Imperial Types
5. Free-blown Glass
5.1 Drinking Vessels (1st – 3rd Century AD)
5.2 Open Forms (1st – 3rd Century AD)
5.3 Jars (1st – 3rd Century AD)
5.4 Bottles (1st – 3rd Century AD)
5.5 Unguentaria (1st – 3rd Century AD)
5.6 Late Antique Types (4th – Early 7th Century AD)
6. Mould-blown Glass
7. Mosaic Tesserae and Window Glass
8. Patterns of Glass use and Consumption in the Domus
9. Conclusions
15: Oggetti in metallo dalle campagne 2016-2017 sul piano della Civita
1. Introduzione
2. Categorie Funzionali
2.1 Instrumentum
16: Tarquinia: Bronze Votive Nail
1. The Inscription
1.1 Side A
1.2 Side B
1.3 Side C
1.4 Side D
2. Votive Nails
17: Le monete dalle prime indagini di scavo nella “domus del Mitreo” di Tarquinia
1. Le monete
2. Catalogue
18: Le ossa lavorate dall’area del cd. mitreo della Civita di Tarquinia (campagna di scavo 2016)
1. Introduzione
2. Catalogo
19: Una conchiglia dall’area del cd. mitreo della Civita di Tarquinia (campagna di scavo 2016)
20: Analisi botaniche della cisterna H della domus cd. del mitreo, Tarquinia (VT)
1. Introduzione
2. Materiali e metodi
3. Risultati
3.1 Il paesaggio vegetale e la sua evoluzione nel tempo
4. Considerazioni conclusive
21: La Civita (Tarquinia-Latium): Archaeometric Analysis on the Marble of a Fountain and on three Pigments’ Nuggets
1. Introduction
2. Archaeometric Methods of Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusions
22: Analysis by Multimodal Imaging of the Food Residues in the Caccabus found in the Cistern
1. Introduction
2. Light Microscopy
3. Optical Imaging
4. Scanning Electron Microscopy
5. Conclusions
Back Cover
Citable Link
Published: 2020
Publisher: BAR Publishing
- 9781407355399 (paperback)
- 9781407355467 (ebook)
BAR Number: S2986
- Food and Drink / Diet
- Archaeozoology / Bioarchaeology / Osteoarchaeology
- Roman
- Mediterranean
- Archaeobotany / Environment and Climate
- Archaeometry / Scientific Dating
- Conflict / Military / Fortifications
- Excavation / Fieldwork / Survey
- Late Antiquity and Byzantium
- Ceramics and Pottery Studies
- Remote Sensing and Aerial Photography
- Numismatics
- Architecture / Domestic and Urban Buildings and Space / Urbanism
- Metal Objects