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Africa, Egypt and the Danubian Provinces of the Roman Empire: Population, military and religious interactions (2nd -3rd centuries AD)
Ștefana Cristea, Călin Timonc and Eric C. De Sena
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This volume is the product of the symposium, ‘Africa and the Danubian Provinces of the Roman Empire’ (July 29-30, 2018), which took place in Timișoara and was organized by the National Museum of Banat Timișoara, the Center for Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Studies (Babeș-Bolyai University) Cluj-Napoca, and the West University Timișoara. One of the keynote speakers was the Director of the Center for Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Studies, Prof. Dr Alexandru Diaconescu. Unfortunately, he passed away much too soon during the compiling of this book , and thus, the volume is dedicated to his memory. The chapters present case studies on the Egyptian and African military and civilian presence in the Danubian provinces, the Egyptian and African influences found in the material evidence, religion and magic around the Danube, as well as the presence of the inhabitants of the Danubian provinces in the North African region of the Roman Empire and Egypt. The contributors to this volume examine literary, historical, epigraphic, archaeological, and art historical evidence in order to discuss the cross-pollination of culture and organization within these two regions of the Roman Empire. This book is a useful tool for historians and archaeologists interested in the interactions at the military, social and religious level within the African and Egyptian space of the Roman Empire, Roman Dacia and other Danubian provinces.
Africa, Egypt and the Danubian Provinces of the Roman Empire
1. Introduction
2. Auxiliary Units from the European Provinces in the Moorish War of Antoninus Pius
3. Militaires de Mésie Inférieure Dans les Maurétanies
4. Epigraphic Sources on the Movement of People between Egypt and the Provinces of Lower Moesia and Thrace (1st - 3rd c. AD)
5. The Cult of Asclepius in the Roman Empire: A Comparative Analysis of North Africa and Dacia
6. The Cults of Serapis and Isis in Roman Serdica
7. Les Cultes isiaques à Sarmizegetusa
8. Egypt on the Danube. Egyptianizing the Material Agency of Roman Religious Communication in Western Illyricum
9. Gods of Egyptian Origin at Dierna (Orșova, Romania): Methodology, Assemblage, Influences and Interpretations
Citable Link
Published: 2021
Publisher: BAR Publishing
- 9781407359045 (paper)
- 9781407359052 (ebook)
BAR Number: S3058
- Ritual / Religion / Temples
- History of Archaeology
- Central and Eastern Europe
- Architecture / Domestic and Urban Buildings and Spaces
- Trade / Exchange / Travel / Economy
- Mediterranean
- Conflict / Military / Fortifications
- Roman
- Theory and Method (general titles)
- Excavation / Fieldwork / Survey
- Identity / Gender / Childhood / Ethnicity / Romanization
- Africa
- Greece, Aegean, Crete and Black Sea
- Epigraphy / Ancient and Medieval Texts / Papyri
- Egypt and Sudan
- Art / Sculpture / Gems / Seals
- Late Antiquity and Byzantium