WEBVTT 1 00:00:13.783 --> 00:00:15.455 I'm Emily Wilson. 2 00:00:15.455 --> 00:00:18.475 I'm a Doctoral candidate in the joint program in English and 3 00:00:18.475 --> 00:00:20.725 Education here at the University of Michigan. 4 00:00:20.725 --> 00:00:22.305 My name is Justine Post. 5 00:00:22.305 --> 00:00:24.565 I'm currently an assistant professor of Rhetoric and 6 00:00:24.565 --> 00:00:27.015 Composition at Ohio Northern University. 7 00:00:27.015 --> 00:00:28.644 I also direct the Writing Center there. 8 00:00:33.961 --> 00:00:38.431 I think one of the biggest takeaways for students is that it's okay for 9 00:00:38.431 --> 00:00:43.680 them to have a range of feelings about the feedback they receive on their writing. 10 00:00:43.680 --> 00:00:47.508 We ultimately came to talk about this as moments of accepting or 11 00:00:47.508 --> 00:00:48.961 moments of resisting. 12 00:00:48.961 --> 00:00:53.930 Because we saw in each individual student, a range of experiences. 13 00:00:53.930 --> 00:00:55.600 What really mattered for their growth and 14 00:00:55.600 --> 00:00:58.610 rating was how they engaged with the feedback. 15 00:00:58.610 --> 00:01:02.230 And we came to call this critical engagement with feedback. 16 00:01:02.230 --> 00:01:08.520 And what that looks like is, when you think about broader purposes for your 17 00:01:08.520 --> 00:01:13.410 writing than just an assignment, broader audiences than just the instructor. 18 00:01:13.410 --> 00:01:16.970 When you use the feedback as a springboard for reflecting on your own writing, 19 00:01:16.970 --> 00:01:21.230 and then also when you analyze the feedback and decide what's good and 20 00:01:21.230 --> 00:01:25.090 what applies, what works for you and then what doesn't work for your writing. 21 00:01:25.090 --> 00:01:28.227 But it's going through the process of making those choices and 22 00:01:28.227 --> 00:01:32.326 thinking through them critically that really matters the most for development. 23 00:01:37.199 --> 00:01:40.655 One of the first things that students should be aware of is that they do not 24 00:01:40.655 --> 00:01:44.180 have to address every single comment that they receive on their writing. 25 00:01:44.180 --> 00:01:48.860 There'll be times where a comment might not make sense to a student because also 26 00:01:48.860 --> 00:01:52.020 that's not at all what I was trying to accomplish in this moment. 27 00:01:52.020 --> 00:01:56.020 Instead of just disregarding that comment, that's an opportunity to think about 28 00:01:56.020 --> 00:01:59.390 why would a reader in this moment come to this conclusion? 29 00:01:59.390 --> 00:02:02.910 What am I doing in my writing that's preventing them from seeing 30 00:02:02.910 --> 00:02:04.620 what I'm trying to accomplish? 31 00:02:04.620 --> 00:02:06.480 How can I develop this section? 32 00:02:06.480 --> 00:02:11.074 And the more that they're critical of and really reflecting on why they got certain 33 00:02:11.074 --> 00:02:15.470 feedback and how they can address the comments that are of most concern to them, 34 00:02:15.470 --> 00:02:18.643 that's what's gonna benefit them the most as writers. 35 00:02:23.506 --> 00:02:28.430 We refer to that as an uncritical resistance. 36 00:02:28.430 --> 00:02:33.000 So you're not really open to receiving any kind of feedback, and the feedback 37 00:02:33.000 --> 00:02:37.660 that you do receive, you just tend to reject without really thinking about it. 38 00:02:37.660 --> 00:02:40.310 And I would encourage students 39 00:02:40.310 --> 00:02:43.910 to not necessarily change how they feel about feedback. 40 00:02:43.910 --> 00:02:47.040 It's really not possible to change how you feel about something. 41 00:02:47.040 --> 00:02:51.360 But really start to change their view of what feedback is and 42 00:02:51.360 --> 00:02:52.710 how it's meant to work. 43 00:02:52.710 --> 00:02:56.400 I think to add to that as well, I would encourage the student to sit down and 44 00:02:56.400 --> 00:02:57.280 read the comments. 45 00:02:57.280 --> 00:02:59.880 A lot of times I think the reactions to comments can 46 00:02:59.880 --> 00:03:02.510 also be connected to reaction to grades. 47 00:03:02.510 --> 00:03:05.670 So if it's a really low grade you weren't anticipating, 48 00:03:05.670 --> 00:03:09.170 maybe that's not the moment to read the comments you received. 49 00:03:09.170 --> 00:03:11.970 But walk away from it, give it some time, and 50 00:03:11.970 --> 00:03:15.550 then force yourself to go back and read that feedback. 51 00:03:15.550 --> 00:03:17.724 The more distance you have from your own writing, 52 00:03:17.724 --> 00:03:20.880 the more critical you can be of your own writing, and that might also help 53 00:03:20.880 --> 00:03:23.756 a student feel more open to the comments that they've received. 54 00:03:29.761 --> 00:03:32.300 There are obstacles that make it more difficult for 55 00:03:32.300 --> 00:03:34.480 people to engage with feedback. 56 00:03:34.480 --> 00:03:38.262 And so those obstacles include, in particular, 57 00:03:38.262 --> 00:03:42.770 any kind of change or transition in different spaces. 58 00:03:42.770 --> 00:03:46.890 So students in our study talked about how the feedback they received in high school 59 00:03:46.890 --> 00:03:49.510 was different than the feedback they received in college. 60 00:03:49.510 --> 00:03:51.423 You're gonna get different types of feedback, 61 00:03:51.423 --> 00:03:53.437 you're gonna get different amounts of feedback. 62 00:03:53.437 --> 00:03:57.292 And just being open to adjusting and adapting to that I think can 63 00:03:57.292 --> 00:04:02.250 help make the process of engaging with feedback a little bit more productive. 64 00:04:02.250 --> 00:04:05.930 In terms of getting different kinds of feedback across different context, 65 00:04:05.930 --> 00:04:07.700 we found that students said over and 66 00:04:07.700 --> 00:04:11.570 over that they felt that feedback was really subjective. 67 00:04:11.570 --> 00:04:14.440 Because it changed so much from one context to the next. 68 00:04:14.440 --> 00:04:15.913 But across those context, 69 00:04:15.913 --> 00:04:19.188 what matters in the end is how you engage with that feedback.