WEBVTT 1 00:00:17.277 --> 00:00:23.260 And so that concludes my talk on how I saved the bees. 2 00:00:23.260 --> 00:00:26.000 Are there any questions? 3 00:00:29.364 --> 00:00:31.442 Here's one, how about this. 4 00:00:31.442 --> 00:00:33.390 Have I ever been stung? 5 00:00:36.120 --> 00:00:36.620 Yes, I have. 6 00:00:37.750 --> 00:00:39.020 Quite severely, in fact. 7 00:00:40.320 --> 00:00:46.390 I was attacked by angry bees and stung repeatedly in and around my eyes. 8 00:00:46.390 --> 00:00:51.237 In fact, the eyes you see in my head aren't really my eyes at all, but 9 00:00:51.237 --> 00:00:53.169 the donated eyes of my son. 10 00:00:53.169 --> 00:00:59.742 [LAUGH] Don't worry, he's alive and well. 11 00:00:59.742 --> 00:01:03.202 He's back home in Chicago, probably listening to the radio right now. 12 00:01:03.202 --> 00:01:06.726 [LAUGH] Waiting for his dad to return so 13 00:01:06.726 --> 00:01:09.000 he can have his eyes back. 14 00:01:10.771 --> 00:01:13.267 Maybe I better explain. 15 00:01:15.531 --> 00:01:16.751 Yeah, I think I should. 16 00:01:16.751 --> 00:01:21.535 Let me take you back, way, way back to the golden 17 00:01:21.535 --> 00:01:26.340 age of Daley the Second, almost four years ago. 18 00:01:26.340 --> 00:01:30.530 [LAUGH] Well, 19 00:01:30.530 --> 00:01:35.290 I'm 55 years old and I'm finally happy. 20 00:01:35.290 --> 00:01:39.514 It might be some kind of delusion but I don't care. 21 00:01:39.514 --> 00:01:44.443 I am fat, 55, and finished. 22 00:01:44.443 --> 00:01:48.360 [LAUGH] I can pretty much just 23 00:01:48.360 --> 00:01:52.240 screw around now because all of my masterpieces are written. 24 00:01:54.150 --> 00:01:56.350 Don't worry you haven't heard of any of them. 25 00:01:57.740 --> 00:02:02.280 Works of true genius are only recognized by later generations, 26 00:02:02.280 --> 00:02:03.825 I'm resigned to that. 27 00:02:03.825 --> 00:02:09.177 [LAUGH] But even when later generations 28 00:02:09.177 --> 00:02:15.220 do recognize my works, that's not really immortality. 29 00:02:15.220 --> 00:02:18.860 There's no such thing as immortality. 30 00:02:18.860 --> 00:02:22.440 Even Shakespeare will die someday when the planet self-destructs. 31 00:02:23.550 --> 00:02:30.734 So, really the whole concept of immortality is for suckers. 32 00:02:30.734 --> 00:02:34.760 It's just the frightened trembling ego that craves it. 33 00:02:34.760 --> 00:02:39.703 See in human consciousness, the ego is the last actor to leave the stage. 34 00:02:39.703 --> 00:02:44.381 [LAUGH] What forces him off? 35 00:02:44.381 --> 00:02:45.334 Silence. 36 00:02:49.537 --> 00:02:56.990 [LAUGH] I've had plenty of that. 37 00:02:59.130 --> 00:03:04.772 But now for me, the last actor has left the stage leaving only an egoless, 38 00:03:04.772 --> 00:03:06.876 deep soul consciousness. 39 00:03:06.876 --> 00:03:12.414 [LAUGH] That's the real, essential self, 40 00:03:12.414 --> 00:03:18.266 the universal soul in relaxed, attentive concentration. 41 00:03:18.266 --> 00:03:25.533 And it's that concentrated awareness that I bring to my beehive. 42 00:03:25.533 --> 00:03:31.001 See, beekeepers, really good ones like me, 43 00:03:31.001 --> 00:03:37.017 [LAUGH] have a very special kind of knowledge. 44 00:03:37.017 --> 00:03:42.066 It's an ease that allows us to draw near 45 00:03:42.066 --> 00:03:47.430 the hive without arousing fear or anger. 46 00:03:49.560 --> 00:03:54.470 It might be a gift, but I think it's something we develop over time. 47 00:03:54.470 --> 00:03:55.460 Lots of time. 48 00:03:56.650 --> 00:03:58.595 Did I mentioned that I was 55 years old? 49 00:03:58.595 --> 00:04:00.557 [LAUGH] I did? 50 00:04:00.557 --> 00:04:03.749 [LAUGH] Fat, 55 and finished, did I say that? 51 00:04:03.749 --> 00:04:08.230 [LAUGH] Okay, sorry. 52 00:04:08.230 --> 00:04:17.270 Anyway when I draw near the hive, the hive tells me what to do, not vice versa. 53 00:04:17.270 --> 00:04:19.370 I'm no longer in control. 54 00:04:19.370 --> 00:04:23.140 See, that's what's wrong with the world today. 55 00:04:23.140 --> 00:04:24.904 Certain people trying to control everything, 56 00:04:24.904 --> 00:04:26.722 like some of these hate mongers in the media. 57 00:04:26.722 --> 00:04:27.686 You know what I mean? 58 00:04:27.686 --> 00:04:29.230 That ain't the way it oughta be. 59 00:04:29.230 --> 00:04:31.529 Love, that's where it's at. 60 00:04:31.529 --> 00:04:38.560 Acceptance plus gratitude, that is happiness. 61 00:04:38.560 --> 00:04:40.900 Let go, live in the moment. 62 00:04:40.900 --> 00:04:46.280 You find all your desires melting away along with whatever is bothering you. 63 00:04:47.780 --> 00:04:50.329 Like my job. [LAUGH] 64 00:04:50.329 --> 00:04:52.151 YOU DON'T FIRE ME, I FIRE YOU! 65 00:04:52.151 --> 00:04:53.243 I FIRE YOU! 66 00:04:53.243 --> 00:04:58.838 [LAUGH] Stop adjusting reality to suit YOU. 67 00:04:58.838 --> 00:05:04.703 [LAUGH] 68 00:05:04.703 --> 00:05:07.837 Bloom where you're planted, right? 69 00:05:07.837 --> 00:05:09.713 Right, Holly? 70 00:05:09.713 --> 00:05:17.260 I'm planted in the Bridgeport neighborhood on the South Side of Chicago. 71 00:05:17.260 --> 00:05:21.312 That's where I live with my wife Ona, and my four year old son Lukas, and 72 00:05:21.312 --> 00:05:23.849 that's where my beehive is in the backyard. 73 00:05:23.849 --> 00:05:25.687 Did I mention I was a beekeeper? 74 00:05:25.687 --> 00:05:28.949 [LAUGH] I am with my own hive. 75 00:05:28.949 --> 00:05:32.580 The hive came in the mail as a build-it-yourself kit. 76 00:05:32.580 --> 00:05:35.030 It was hard nailing those frames together too. 77 00:05:35.030 --> 00:05:37.146 The nails would keep splitting the flimsy wood. 78 00:05:37.146 --> 00:05:42.393 [SOUND] Shit. Give me the right-sized nails and clear instructions and I will do fine. 79 00:05:42.393 --> 00:05:45.847 [LAUGH] Those greedy thieves at the beekeeping 80 00:05:45.847 --> 00:05:48.160 supply company wanna send the new hobbyist 81 00:05:48.160 --> 00:05:52.310 the cheapest shit they can get away with just to hold on to a few pennies. 82 00:05:52.310 --> 00:05:55.493 Such clever minds out there just thinking up ways to screw me. 83 00:05:55.493 --> 00:05:59.800 [LAUGH] That's bad karma, man. 84 00:06:01.030 --> 00:06:04.170 After all, I am just trying to get ahead. 85 00:06:05.300 --> 00:06:08.710 But anyway, I finally get my new hive built. 86 00:06:08.710 --> 00:06:09.670 And my buddy Chip and 87 00:06:09.670 --> 00:06:15.110 I drive out to Indiana to pick up a fresh young bee colony, a nucleus colony or nuc. 88 00:06:16.260 --> 00:06:20.170 I figured handling those bees is gonna be a lot easier than building that stupid 89 00:06:20.170 --> 00:06:21.270 hive was. 90 00:06:21.270 --> 00:06:26.120 After all, bees are part of nature like me so we'll understand each other. 91 00:06:26.120 --> 00:06:27.471 [LAUGH] Sticks and 92 00:06:27.471 --> 00:06:28.966 nails are not part of nature. 93 00:06:28.966 --> 00:06:31.815 [LAUGH] My friend Chip, 94 00:06:31.815 --> 00:06:34.573 he's about the nicest guy in Chicago. 95 00:06:34.573 --> 00:06:36.722 He's from California. 96 00:06:36.722 --> 00:06:41.807 [LAUGH] Chip takes the frames full of bees 97 00:06:41.807 --> 00:06:47.049 out of the nuc, and sets them gently in the new hive. 98 00:06:48.410 --> 00:06:51.000 Pretty soon the bees have settled into their new home and 99 00:06:51.000 --> 00:06:53.110 they're out foraging for food. 100 00:06:53.110 --> 00:06:56.360 My son Lukas is staying far away from the bees, but 101 00:06:56.360 --> 00:06:59.070 I am trying to teach him to be less afraid. 102 00:06:59.070 --> 00:07:01.310 Lukas and I love to get on YouTube and 103 00:07:01.310 --> 00:07:05.010 watch Honey Land, an old 1930s cartoon about bees. 104 00:07:06.080 --> 00:07:10.120 In it, a boy bee and a girl bee fall in love. 105 00:07:10.120 --> 00:07:14.880 But then a spider abducts the girl bee, so the boy bee comes to her rescue. 106 00:07:14.880 --> 00:07:21.017 He stings the spider repeatedly, but it's not enough so he sounds an alarm. 107 00:07:21.017 --> 00:07:27.015 [SOUND] And a whole squadron of fighter bees flying in military formation hone 108 00:07:27.015 --> 00:07:33.402 in on the hapless spider who, after all is only trying to live his predatory life. 109 00:07:33.402 --> 00:07:36.596 [LAUGH] They sting, and sting, and sting, and 110 00:07:36.596 --> 00:07:38.963 sting, and sting the spider until he runs away. 111 00:07:38.963 --> 00:07:43.734 The girl bee and the boy bee are restored and there's happiness again in Honey Land. 112 00:07:43.734 --> 00:07:47.636 But that cartoon lies. 113 00:07:49.864 --> 00:07:55.430 For one thing, boy bees, or drones, they don't even have a stinger. 114 00:07:56.710 --> 00:07:59.580 And a bee can only sting once and then she dies. 115 00:07:59.580 --> 00:08:02.792 She leaves her stinger in her victim, and when she pulls away, 116 00:08:02.792 --> 00:08:04.676 she in effect disembowels herself. 117 00:08:04.676 --> 00:08:07.870 There's a lot of her guts stay attached to that stinger. 118 00:08:07.870 --> 00:08:13.600 Those guts are her venom sack, which is a tiny natural syringe full of bee venom. 119 00:08:13.600 --> 00:08:18.570 So even after she's gone, and off dying somewhere, the sack still pulsates, 120 00:08:18.570 --> 00:08:21.809 injecting venom through the tiny barbed needle of the stinger. 121 00:08:24.250 --> 00:08:29.087 Also boy bees or drones don't 122 00:08:29.087 --> 00:08:33.350 live happily ever after. 123 00:08:33.350 --> 00:08:37.808 A drone's penis is ripped from his body after mating. 124 00:08:37.808 --> 00:08:41.547 Staying inside the female while he drops away and dies, so 125 00:08:41.547 --> 00:08:46.144 that cartoon distorts the truth, but it does help Lukas love the bees. 126 00:08:46.144 --> 00:08:50.849 [LAUGH] One of my backyard neighbors 127 00:08:50.849 --> 00:08:52.400 loves the bees too. 128 00:08:52.400 --> 00:08:55.010 He's a kind, old Chinese man. 129 00:08:55.010 --> 00:08:57.800 Every time I see him standing in his garden, 130 00:08:57.800 --> 00:09:02.270 he gives me a big beaming smile, points to the hive and nods approvingly. 131 00:09:02.270 --> 00:09:05.390 He knows those bees are pollinating his garden and 132 00:09:05.390 --> 00:09:08.700 will yield him a bumper crop of weird Chinese vegetables. 133 00:09:09.920 --> 00:09:15.278 Now the neighbors on the other side of the fence, they're not quite as enthusiastic. 134 00:09:15.278 --> 00:09:20.224 "A beehive!?!" That's Angie, the renter on the first floor. 135 00:09:20.224 --> 00:09:24.010 Angie is a lifer in our South Side neighborhood. 136 00:09:24.010 --> 00:09:28.300 Her father had been a cop in the machine days of Daley I, and 137 00:09:28.300 --> 00:09:31.275 she hates to think about life next door to a beehive. 138 00:09:32.990 --> 00:09:38.790 I try to reassure her as delicately as I can, these are Italians bees Angie. 139 00:09:39.900 --> 00:09:41.740 Very gentle. 140 00:09:41.740 --> 00:09:44.539 They'll only sting if you really, really hassle them. 141 00:09:44.539 --> 00:09:46.990 Since Angie considers herself Italian, 142 00:09:46.990 --> 00:09:49.939 the ethnicity of the bees calms her down a little. 143 00:09:49.939 --> 00:09:54.529 [LAUGH] Then there's Vickie the single mom that 144 00:09:54.529 --> 00:09:55.584 lives upstairs. 145 00:09:55.584 --> 00:10:00.308 She's not so excited about the hive either. 146 00:10:00.308 --> 00:10:02.738 Vickie has a Lithuanian last name and 147 00:10:02.738 --> 00:10:07.150 she can still name some of the starchy Lithuanian foods. 148 00:10:07.150 --> 00:10:11.290 She doesn't like it when her Chinese or Mexican neighbors don't speak English. 149 00:10:11.290 --> 00:10:13.050 "This is suppose to be America isn't it? 150 00:10:13.050 --> 00:10:13.770 "Isn't it? 151 00:10:13.770 --> 00:10:14.270 Isn't it?" 152 00:10:16.700 --> 00:10:19.840 And she is looking at the hive, very, very suspiciously. 153 00:10:20.900 --> 00:10:22.522 "I just don't want my little Johnny to get stung." 154 00:10:24.926 --> 00:10:30.530 The kids of the neighborhood start coming up to me, as I sit on my front steps. 155 00:10:31.700 --> 00:10:36.580 "You have a BEEHIVE! if we get stung it's going to be YOUR FAULT." 156 00:10:38.570 --> 00:10:40.910 My neighbors stop saying hello as they walk by. 157 00:10:42.470 --> 00:10:48.160 This disturbs my wife but I assure her that everything is gonna be okay. 158 00:10:48.160 --> 00:10:51.130 I love to watch the bees fly out of their hive to look for food. 159 00:10:51.130 --> 00:10:55.070 They usually head southwest in the direction of the old stock yards. 160 00:10:55.070 --> 00:10:56.485 That must be where the nectar is. 161 00:10:58.261 --> 00:11:02.660 Anyway, after I've had the hive for about a week, 162 00:11:02.660 --> 00:11:07.584 I get a call from our 11th ward alderman, Duke Ballser. 163 00:11:07.584 --> 00:11:11.611 >> [LAUGH] >> Ballser: Yes, hello Mr. 164 00:11:11.611 --> 00:11:15.256 Kestutis, you got those bees over there. 165 00:11:15.256 --> 00:11:17.904 I wanna talk to you about that. 166 00:11:17.904 --> 00:11:20.460 At your convenience, of course. 167 00:11:20.460 --> 00:11:22.290 Be here tomorrow at 1 o'clock. 168 00:11:23.970 --> 00:11:25.000 I'm there on time. 169 00:11:26.110 --> 00:11:29.720 >> Ballser: Yeah hello, come on, sit down, Mr. Kestutis. 170 00:11:29.720 --> 00:11:31.915 >> Nakas: Thank you, it's Nakas. 171 00:11:31.915 --> 00:11:34.750 Kestutis is my first name, it's a Lithuanian name. 172 00:11:34.750 --> 00:11:36.380 >>Ballser: Sure, I know that. 173 00:11:36.380 --> 00:11:39.134 I know a Lugan name when I see one, I like Lugans. 174 00:11:39.134 --> 00:11:40.898 I even married one. 175 00:11:40.898 --> 00:11:44.710 Yeah, there used to be a lot of Lugans down here in Bridgeport. 176 00:11:45.764 --> 00:11:50.242 >>Nakas: I know, and I can't even believe you remember that old slur word for 177 00:11:50.242 --> 00:11:51.272 Lithuanians. 178 00:11:51.272 --> 00:11:54.001 [LAUGH] They didn't used to like to be 179 00:11:54.001 --> 00:11:55.130 called that. 180 00:11:55.130 --> 00:11:59.860 I don't know if you know that, but yes, there used to be a lot of, 181 00:11:59.860 --> 00:12:04.780 Halstead to Morgan was all Lithuanian at one time. 182 00:12:04.780 --> 00:12:06.860 >>Ballser: And they're good people too. Hardly no fights or nothing. 183 00:12:06.860 --> 00:12:10.770 Now let's see here, you've been over there on Union three years, right? 184 00:12:11.930 --> 00:12:14.230 >>Nakas: Well closer to four actually. 185 00:12:14.230 --> 00:12:20.620 >>Ballser: Don't correct me Mr. Kestutis [LAUGH] and I see you've been voting good. 186 00:12:20.620 --> 00:12:23.000 Registered Democrat that's good. 187 00:12:23.000 --> 00:12:28.160 And I'm looking and you don't pay a whole lot of property taxes over there on Union. 188 00:12:29.660 --> 00:12:31.590 That's a nice house you got too. 189 00:12:31.590 --> 00:12:33.680 I had one of my guys take a picture. 190 00:12:33.680 --> 00:12:34.620 Is this your house? 191 00:12:36.180 --> 00:12:36.680 >>Nakas: Well, yeah. 192 00:12:40.920 --> 00:12:45.680 >>Ballser: Let me ask you this Mr. Kestutis, you like it over here in Bridgeport? 193 00:12:45.680 --> 00:12:47.082 >>Nakas: Yes, I do, very much. 194 00:12:47.082 --> 00:12:48.560 >>Ballser: You need anything done? 195 00:12:50.550 --> 00:12:51.050 >>Nakas: What do you mean? 196 00:12:53.120 --> 00:12:58.700 >>Ballser: Street light fixed, stop signs, zoning variance, building permit, 197 00:12:58.700 --> 00:13:04.030 extra parking permits, White Sox tickets, anything along those lines. 198 00:13:06.200 --> 00:13:08.080 >>Nakas: Well that's really nice of you, but no, thank you. 199 00:13:08.080 --> 00:13:09.290 I think I'm fine. 200 00:13:09.290 --> 00:13:11.612 >>Ballser: If you need anything you let me know, all right. 201 00:13:11.612 --> 00:13:14.069 All right, shake brother. 202 00:13:14.069 --> 00:13:18.212 O, there's one more thing, this is Bridgeport, 203 00:13:18.212 --> 00:13:21.121 we don't want no bees over here. 204 00:13:21.121 --> 00:13:24.950 [LAUGH] All right? You wanna have bees or anything like that there, 205 00:13:24.950 --> 00:13:28.130 you go up over to the North Side and live over there. 206 00:13:28.130 --> 00:13:29.040 >>Nakas: I can't afford that. 207 00:13:30.300 --> 00:13:33.160 Besides, Mayor Daley is encouraging--- 208 00:13:33.160 --> 00:13:34.700 >>Ballser: Don't Mayor Daley me. 209 00:13:34.700 --> 00:13:36.920 I'll Mayor Daley you, not vice versa. 210 00:13:38.170 --> 00:13:41.730 >>Nakas: But the green initiative, City in a Garden, there's beehives 211 00:13:41.730 --> 00:13:43.000 on top of city hall. 212 00:13:43.000 --> 00:13:46.698 >>Ballser: That's got nothing to do with Bridgeport, all right. Now look I'm the alderman here and folks is pissed Mr. 213 00:13:46.698 --> 00:13:48.140 Kestutis, if you pardon my language. 214 00:13:48.140 --> 00:13:51.211 Now all it takes is for one kid to get stung and 215 00:13:51.211 --> 00:13:55.610 have an allergic reaction and then I get big trouble over here. 216 00:13:55.610 --> 00:13:57.570 What's the green initiative gonna do about that? 217 00:14:00.180 --> 00:14:03.000 >>Nakas: But the city is zoned for bees. 218 00:14:03.200 --> 00:14:04.000 I got a right... 219 00:14:04.000 --> 00:14:07.497 >>Ballser: Don't threaten me, Mr. Kestutis. I've handled Lugans fatter than you. 220 00:14:07.497 --> 00:14:11.247 >> [LAUGH] >>Ballser: Now, Bridgeport is a nice neighborhood. 221 00:14:11.247 --> 00:14:14.031 But, you know, sometimes bad things happen over here, and 222 00:14:14.031 --> 00:14:16.159 even to good citizens like yourself. 223 00:14:16.159 --> 00:14:19.309 >> [LAUGH] So, I'd advise you--- 224 00:14:19.309 --> 00:14:23.700 >>Nakas: Alderman, you asked me if I needed anything, that I should just ask, right? 225 00:14:23.700 --> 00:14:26.780 Could we just have a neighborhood meeting with whoever is complaining so 226 00:14:26.780 --> 00:14:28.980 I can explain how wonderful bees are? 227 00:14:28.980 --> 00:14:29.990 >>Ballser: Neighborhood meeting? 228 00:14:31.840 --> 00:14:33.620 We ain't never had nothing like dat dere. 229 00:14:35.680 --> 00:14:41.090 But after a lot of haggling, he agrees to a meeting the following week. 230 00:14:42.220 --> 00:14:46.000 I get a lot of my Chicago beekeeper friends from other neighborhoods to agree, 231 00:14:46.000 --> 00:14:48.810 to come and talk about the joy of bees. 232 00:14:49.810 --> 00:14:52.720 I just wish I knew something, 233 00:14:52.720 --> 00:14:57.340 somebody with clout or influence in South Side politics. 234 00:14:59.700 --> 00:15:00.910 And then one day, 235 00:15:02.390 --> 00:15:06.489 I bump into Arunas Rastkauskas walking his dog down Morgan Avenue. 236 00:15:07.750 --> 00:15:12.520 Arunas is from Vilnius, but he lives in Bridgeport now working for 237 00:15:12.520 --> 00:15:14.640 the Lithuanian consulate downtown. 238 00:15:14.640 --> 00:15:20.185 I tell him all my bee troubles, how I could use someone with clout and so on. 239 00:15:20.185 --> 00:15:26.060 >>Rastkauskas: Hm, I will be at the reception tomorrow with Senatoras Durbinus. 240 00:15:26.060 --> 00:15:28.520 Senator Durbin is who he means. 241 00:15:28.520 --> 00:15:33.120 Senator Dick Durbin is half Lithuanian, his mom was Lithuanian. 242 00:15:33.120 --> 00:15:36.032 So he likes us, he even has a big round Lithuanian head. 243 00:15:36.032 --> 00:15:39.876 >> [LAUGH] >>Rastkauskas: If I could chance to talk with him 244 00:15:39.876 --> 00:15:41.499 maybe I will tell him about this. 245 00:15:41.499 --> 00:15:42.962 But I don't know, I cannot promise it. 246 00:15:42.962 --> 00:15:48.187 [LAUGH] >>Nakas: I understand, pardon me, it's okay, don't worry about it. 247 00:15:48.187 --> 00:15:52.626 I can already hear the buzzing of the angry community residents as I 248 00:15:52.626 --> 00:15:55.170 approach 11th ward headquarters. 249 00:15:56.220 --> 00:15:58.150 I open the door to the meeting room and 250 00:15:58.150 --> 00:16:03.030 somebody shouts, "HEY there's that bee man! BOO!" 251 00:16:03.030 --> 00:16:06.510 Alderman Ballser raps his gavel, >>Ballser: All right, that's enough of that. 252 00:16:06.510 --> 00:16:10.358 Now look, I know we should get rid of that beehive. 253 00:16:10.358 --> 00:16:14.680 But Mr. Kestutis lives over here too and I told him he could talk to you. 254 00:16:14.680 --> 00:16:18.740 So please just for these few minutes, hear the man out and 255 00:16:18.740 --> 00:16:21.410 then we get rid of those beehives, okay. 256 00:16:21.410 --> 00:16:22.640 Go ahead, Mr. Kestutis. 257 00:16:24.480 --> 00:16:25.440 >>Nakas: It's Nakas. 258 00:16:27.050 --> 00:16:28.240 >>Ballser: A Lugan is a Lugan. 259 00:16:28.240 --> 00:16:30.559 I told you the floor is yours or don't you want it no more? 260 00:16:30.559 --> 00:16:35.354 [LAUGH] I get up in front of the hostile crowd 261 00:16:35.354 --> 00:16:41.516 of all my bee buddies, only young Chip has shown up to support me. 262 00:16:41.516 --> 00:16:45.380 >>Nakas: Good evening neighbors, thank you for coming here and 263 00:16:45.380 --> 00:16:49.780 letting me tell you about the wonderful hobby of beekeeping. 264 00:16:49.780 --> 00:16:52.200 >>Crowd: IF THOSE BEES STING MY KIDS, YOU'RE A DEAD MAN! 265 00:16:52.200 --> 00:16:54.650 I'LL COME OVER THERE AND KILL YOU MYSELF. 266 00:16:54.650 --> 00:16:57.570 >>Nakas: Well, I don't think these bees will be stinging anybody. 267 00:16:57.570 --> 00:16:59.650 These are Italian bees. 268 00:16:59.650 --> 00:17:01.524 Are there any Italians out there? 269 00:17:01.524 --> 00:17:06.507 A few hands go up. >>Nakas: then I don't have to tell you about your own gentle disposition 270 00:17:06.507 --> 00:17:10.180 or the easy, relaxed ways of your relatives, do I? 271 00:17:10.180 --> 00:17:12.280 These bees are just the same. 272 00:17:12.280 --> 00:17:15.080 They'll only sting if you really, really hassle them. 273 00:17:16.330 --> 00:17:19.570 And wait till you see how they pollinate your flowers and vegetables. 274 00:17:19.570 --> 00:17:22.988 And when you get a taste of my delicious Bridgeport honey, 275 00:17:22.988 --> 00:17:25.236 you're gonna wanna hive of your own. 276 00:17:25.236 --> 00:17:28.325 [LAUGH] >>Crowd: NO BEES IN BRIDGEPORT! 277 00:17:28.325 --> 00:17:29.927 NO BEES IN BRIDGEPORT! 278 00:17:29.927 --> 00:17:33.619 The crowd is chanting, rising to its feet, and beginning to walk toward me. 279 00:17:33.619 --> 00:17:35.838 Ballser raps his gavel. 280 00:17:35.838 --> 00:17:40.005 >>Ballser: Sit down. Sit down, sit down. All right. 281 00:17:40.005 --> 00:17:42.024 Now is that it for the pro-bee faction? 282 00:17:42.024 --> 00:17:46.042 [LAUGH] My last friend, Chip, 283 00:17:46.042 --> 00:17:50.546 bounds to the front of the room in his California hemp-rope sandals. 284 00:17:50.546 --> 00:17:53.437 [LAUGH] He smiles at the crowd with his 285 00:17:53.437 --> 00:17:54.818 friendly stoner eyes. 286 00:17:54.818 --> 00:18:00.287 Puts his hand on his heart and says, "Bees are really, really cool." 287 00:18:00.287 --> 00:18:02.725 He walks back to his seat in triumph. 288 00:18:02.725 --> 00:18:06.092 [LAUGH] Certain that he's persuaded the crowd. 289 00:18:06.092 --> 00:18:10.574 [LAUGH] >>Crowd: NO BEES, NO BEES, NO BEES. 290 00:18:10.574 --> 00:18:13.291 Ballser raps his gavel. >>Ballser: All right, all right, that's enough of that. 291 00:18:13.291 --> 00:18:16.996 I think we've heard just about enough and we're ready to make up my mind. 292 00:18:16.996 --> 00:18:21.176 [LAUGH] Just then, the door to the meeting room 293 00:18:21.176 --> 00:18:26.539 flies open, and in walks Arunas followed by Senator Dick Durbin, 294 00:18:26.539 --> 00:18:32.891 who declares, "All rise for his honor, the mayor of the great city of Chicago." 295 00:18:32.891 --> 00:18:37.031 Mayor Richard Daley walks to the front of the meeting room, stands above Ballser, 296 00:18:37.031 --> 00:18:40.391 looks at the crowd and says 297 00:18:40.391 --> 00:18:42.133 >>Mayor: We're gonna have bees in Bridgeport, that's all there is to it, okay. 298 00:18:42.133 --> 00:18:43.411 There's too much at stake. 299 00:18:43.411 --> 00:18:47.254 I can't afford no subterfuge from the peanut gallery over these green 300 00:18:47.254 --> 00:18:49.477 initiatives I got working, all right. 301 00:18:49.477 --> 00:18:51.557 [LAUGH] Alderman, 302 00:18:51.557 --> 00:18:56.756 you're a good man don't change that. So the bees stay. 303 00:18:56.756 --> 00:18:59.055 He points his fingers at the crowd. 304 00:18:59.055 --> 00:19:02.933 >>Mayor: And I don't wanna hear a peep out of you. 305 00:19:02.933 --> 00:19:07.693 [LAUGH] You owe me. 306 00:19:07.693 --> 00:19:08.773 You all owe me. 307 00:19:08.773 --> 00:19:13.750 [LAUGH] >>Mayor: Let me know, 308 00:19:13.750 --> 00:19:17.230 Alderman, if there's anything I can do. I'll see you at the ball game. 309 00:19:17.230 --> 00:19:19.545 Daley winks at Durbin and walks out. 310 00:19:19.545 --> 00:19:21.520 Durbin winks at Arunas and walks out. 311 00:19:21.520 --> 00:19:23.470 Arunas winks at me and walks out. 312 00:19:24.860 --> 00:19:25.970 The crowd is silent. 313 00:19:27.140 --> 00:19:34.550 Heads bowed but with the big shots safely gone, they begin to lowly boo and hiss. 314 00:19:34.550 --> 00:19:36.070 Ballser: All right, that's enough of that. 315 00:19:36.070 --> 00:19:37.180 You heard the mayor. 316 00:19:37.180 --> 00:19:38.430 We're voting for the bees. 317 00:19:38.430 --> 00:19:40.639 [LAUGH] Ballser raps his gavel 318 00:19:40.639 --> 00:19:42.493 one last time ending the meeting. 319 00:19:42.493 --> 00:19:45.628 Chicago democracy has triumphed again. 320 00:19:45.628 --> 00:19:52.221 [LAUGH] [APPLAUSE] Thank you