• Fig. 11.5. Voter turnout by self-assessed political knowledge. Note: From left to right in each year, bars represent low, moderate, and high levels of political knowledge. Because different survey questions on political knowledge were used, varying scoring scales were adopted. For data from TEDS 2001, TEDS 2004L, TEDS 2004P, and TEDS 2008L, we recoded political knowledge by level: low (score 0–1), moderate (2–3), and high (score 4–5); for data from TEDS 2008P, scoring was recoded to low (score 0–1), moderate (score 2), and high (score 3); for data from TEDS 2012, scoring was recoded to low (score 0–2), moderate (score 3–4), and high (score 5–7). L: legislative; P: presidential.


From The Taiwan Voter by Christopher H. Achen and T. Y. Wang, Editors

  • Asian Studies
  • Political Science:Political Behavior and Public Opinion
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