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  • US v. Eaton, Wilkins & Thomas (M.D.Ala. No. 11736-R), Transcript of Proceedings, November 29-30, 1965.

US v. Eaton, Wilkins & Thomas, Part 1

From Selma and the Liuzzo Murder Trials: The First Modern Civil Rights Convictions by James P. Turner

  • US v. Eaton, Wilkins & Thomas (M.D.Ala. No. 11736-R), Transcript of Proceedings, November 29 - 30, 1965. Includes other record excerpts for Appeal No. 23289, 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, see Wilkins and Thomas v. United States, 376 F.2d 552 (5th Cir. 1967).
  • Law:Legal History
  • Political Science:Race and Politics
  • American Studies
  • November and December 1965
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